Thursday, March 13, 2014

Fowl Science

Chickens are "in" right now. It is popular to have backyard chickens, who live in a cute coop that was purchased at a local feed store, and lay eggs for your family every day. Some people go a step further and breed their birds, or even show them at poultry shows. But it seems as though chickens have come to the forefront of modern science lately, as they have been found to have some interesting characteristics that may change what scientists previously thought was possible.

This article from, which was released at the beginning of the month, talks about a new state of matter that was recently discovered inside the eye of a chicken. 

Additionally, this article from discusses the ability of the chicken's ear to repair itself, and that, by studying this, scientists may be able to research new ways to cure hearing loss in humans.

Chickens are entertaining, personable, unique, friendly little creatures, but now they may also hold the secret to some new scientific discoveries. Pretty amazing stuff, don't you think?

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