Thursday, May 8, 2014

Breed Profile: Modern Game Bantams

There are so many breeds of chickens out there, that I figured it was time we look a little more in-depth at my favorite breed, the Modern Game Bantam. Originally bred for cockfighting, this tiny little breed has more personality packed into it's tiny frame than just about any other breed. They are very sweet and personable birds - yes, even the roosters - and love to sit on laps, receive pets, and hang out with people just as much as with other birds.They

Even as chicks they have longer legs than other breeds.

As far as looks go, they are built very differently than other chickens. They have a small, erect body that is positioned on top of two very long legs. The hens do not lay very well, and lay tiny eggs when they do. These birds are kept mostly for fun, as pets, for 4H, ornamental, or for showing purposes. Modern Game Bantams do not look very much like other chickens, but that is what makes them so fun and unique.

My Splash pullet Modern Game Bantam, Nyx.

My Blue hen Modern Game Bantam, Clover, 
eating out of a cup of chicken scratch.

Clover getting snuggles under the blankets.

Clover even watches movies with me.

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