Sunday, May 4, 2014

Product Review: VetRx

Recently we took in another chicken, a bantam White Crested Black Polish who we have affectionately named Marley, after the dreadlocked musician. She has a very different personality than the other breeds that we have, and is much more nervous, which can easily be blamed on her obvious blind spots.

The day after we brought her home, at four months old, she came down with a pretty nasty respiratory infection. She had discharge coming from her eyes, snot coming from her nose, and wasn't breathing too well. The breeder I bought her from said that Polish are known to deal with stress poorly, and that even the drive from one place to another could have been enough to set off a harboring illness.

That's when she told me about VetRx. This is a 100% Natural oil that is sold in a little bottle at select feed stores, but usually only through veterinary supply stores and online, that is comparable to Vicks VaporRub for humans. For respiratory infections like Marley's, a drop or two in each nostril, a little rubbed on the tongue, and a little rubbed under each wing (for the bird to breathe in while sleeping) should do the trick. For Marley, she was good as new in about 5 days, but I kept her separated from the others for a couple of extra days to make sure.

The box includes directions for other uses including scaley leg mites, preventative uses, and even for showing birds! I would definitely give VetRx 5 out of 5 stars. I found mine at Ranch-Way Feed in Fort Collins for only $10, but I know you can buy it on Amazon and other locations as well.

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